hey, friend, let me ask you a question:

are you truly 

Do you have something that gets you out of bed in the morning? Are you excited about your life? Are you being truly yourself? It's possible.

you deserve to thrive, not just survive

Are you living the life you dreamed of when you were a child or are you stuck in a boring routine? And that can be tiring. Putting all that effort in, but for some reason, things don't seem to click. You can feel there is something more from life; more from your potential. You can feel greatness in your bones, but you always fall just a little short. You see other people quietly going about their life, minding their business, but you can't do that. No. You're meant for greater things.

this is for you IF:


You want to maximize your potential and find your purpose


You want to gain unshakable confidence, energy, and motivation


You have social anxiety, but you love being around people and want to interact more


You have a message you want to share, but are scared of what people might think

today's the day.


You love life, but you find yourself getting depressed quite often


You want to start your own profitable business that's aligned with your passion & purpose

with my coaching YOU WILL:

Stop procrastinating for good

Be in love with yourself unconditionally 

+  Stop being stuck and move forward

+  Become self confident

want something like that?

let's do this thing →

+  Live from a place of pleasure

+  Stop self-sacrificing and put yourself first



Explore My Website

Explore my website and decide whether my philosophy resonates. Although, there's a reason you're here.


Inquiry Call

We get on a call and discuss cooperation options. You tell me about you, I tell you about me.


Ongoing Butt-Kicking

We work in a closed container and create something *magical*

real results

"I look forward to meeting with Masha every week. It’s the excitement of starting a new task in my life journey."

Masha and I connected quickly and set goals and expectations. As we progressed through the meetings, I noticed how the things we planned were coming true. I felt like I was completing my goals efficiently while achieving balance. It was an amazing feeling that I cannot get enough of.

- emily, student


"When I first started I was a little bit skeptical and expected it to feel like therapy, however..."

I changed my mind in the first 5 minutes. Masha felt like a good friend, wise mentor, your cool college professor, and your favorite co-worker all at the same time. I felt like I was completely understood and that’s the best thing I could ask for.

- petra, graphic designer




I can't wait to help you level up life. Send over your info and we'll connect on the best way to move forward. 

hi there,

i've been there... and i came out.

It might seem overwhelming right now, but you got this. With small, consistent steps (and big celebration!), you can achieve anything. When you are stuck, it helps to have someone who's been there to guide you.

I'd love to tell you healing will be easy and painless. But healing often isn't. What I can promise you though, it will be worth it. So worth it.



stay a awhile + read


follow my


i'd love to 
