We like to do downplay the importance of clothes, because who likes easy simple solutions? Gimme pain, gimme torture, gimme confusion.
We’ve been told worrying about clothes is shallow. Spending money on clothes is unnecessary. That’s what those dumb, blonde, superficial girls do (sorry blondes, it’s not me).
Obsessing too long over “what should I wear” just seems like an entitled, unnecessary question, reserved for weirdoes like these.
Would you downplay the role of a shower? Would you dye your hair neon green and say, “No big deal, no one will notice?” Or let your teeth get yellow and rotten and say, “Oh well, I’ll get to it someday.”
We reserve this attitude for our attire though. We bring it to a standard minimum and underutilize its immense power to create impression, influence how we feel and think.
In reality, clothes define how we see others, how other see us, and how we see ourselves.
On this flip side, this gives us a very simple solution to many of our problems. Instantly, we can upgrade our mood, our authority, and even our mindset.
Tell me, how would you feel wearing this? Or this?

Would you feel confident to close million dollar deals or ask someone you like out?
Our clothes are just as much part of our persona as our hair, our personality, and our attitude.
I know we would all like everyone to instantly know what a “good and honest” person we are and appreciate us only for our inner world. But that’s not how it works.
We need to stop making these blanked statements like “sex doesn’t matter in a relationship” or “caring about clothes and looks is shallow.”
Yes, if all you care about it clothes and looks and have no inner world or interests, that’s no bueno. But you might be the most interesting person in the world, but if you don’t have the “branding” you won’t attract the right people and opportunities.
So I guess what I’m here to tell you today is:
Allow yourself to engage in shallow and superficial things such as making money, wearing nice clothes, and driving nice cars. It’s not all about saving the world, achieving greatness, and stopping global warming. Sometimes we need to give ourselves what we truly want – no matter how small, unnecessary, trivial, or shallow it might seem to our minds.
Masha venta
Even though you should approach it as a fun way to make yourself feel better and create an impression, clothes also have serious social and environmental implications. Do you engage is fast fashion or do you buy quality pieces that will last for generations? Do you think you’re worth it? Have you ever tried learning to sew? Do you know how much energy and effort goes into a handmade piece? Have you ever owned something created by hand?
You have the power if we go back to nature or continue filling the Earth with extra plastic. But that’s a conversation for another day.
Do you spend money on clothes and wear the things you like?
Do you feel good and sexy in your wardrobe?
Really ask yourself today, what should I wear to feel my best, richest, and most powerful self.
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