All happy families are alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, 1878).
You might think you are unique. And you are. In your success.
I disagree with Leo and I need to say that we are alike in our suffering and very different in our success.
For you, success might look like Lamborghinis and a Versace suit. For me, that might look like a flock of sheep on a farm I own… and a Lamborghini.
We all want different things.
What’s essential to remember is that you are not that different from every other person.
We all feel sorry for our self, tend to be depressed and anxious, and doubt our inherent worth in pretty much the same way.
Luckily, there came people before you who have figured it out.
I do believe we are all individuals and a specific diet/ roadmap/ routine might not work for you.
However, there are still base principles that apply to all of us.
For example, if your goal is to pass a test you must learn the material. How you do it, is your choice. Jenny might have photographic memory. Katherine likes to get up at 6am and study with flashcards. Tom prefers to stay up at night and use an app. Simon loves to be quizzed while there’s soft classical music playing in the background. But they all did the work and learned the material.
If you want to lose weight, you have to have a consistent calorie deficit. Jenny likes to follow the Keto diet. Katherine does intermittent fasting. Tom works out for an hour every day. Simon lives on a farm and doesn’t give a f*ck about all this weight loss bullsh*t. He is happy and aligned, eats real food, and is always the weight he loves.
The underlying basis of any undertaking is love, positivity, and the belief that you can actually do what you say you want to do.
If that’s not in place, you will find any and every possible way to self-sabotage yourself.
We say we want all these good things, but if our nervous system is not prepped to receive them (and there are rotting, old beliefs wormed inside you), it just won’t happen.
In terms of life coaching, how you heal your trauma, move past your negative beliefs, and achieve your dreams is your business. I am not propagating you wake up at a specific time or religiously read a specific book. There are as many paths to success as there are humans.
However, essential principles apply. I can promise you, you will have to:
- believe in yourself and your power,
- make other people uncomfortable,
- expose your raw true soul and be okay with what people think,
- do the thing you most fear, something you believe will kill you, and live anyway,
- be creative every day,
- dance & sing,
- create strong, lasting relationships with the ones you love,
- have strong self-expression,
- cultivate self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem,
- reconnect to your sexuality,
- love money
- and a few other things.
Trust yourself and lean on people who have been there before you.
Don’t take anyone’s advice too seriously and do what’s in your heart.
If you need help finding out what that is and achieving it, let me know.
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